JFK Airport - Terminal 4, Room 461.037, Jamaica, NY 11430
Yoni Nirenberg flanked by two fellow volunteers sending supplies with the departing soldiers.
Local restaurants and establishments responded generously providing goods and also meals for the soldiers before their flights.
Some of the many, duffel bags filled to overflowing with gear requested by the soldiers, including warm clothing, helmets and other items.
As the staging ground for sending off departing Chayalim with emotional and physical support, the International Synagogue at JFK is privileged to have a role in this critical process.
Rabbi Alvin & Rosalind Poplackz"l
Memorial Chapel at
JFK Airport - Terminal 4,
Jamaica, NY 11430
The Chapel is open daily
Monday - Sunday: 5:00AM - 11:00PM
Please contact the Chaplain