JFK Airport - Terminal 4, Room 461.037, Jamaica, NY 11430
(718) 656-5044

Halachot (Jewish Law) of Travel

The allure of travel is captivating evermore Jews, as the ease of finding kosher programs and tours, destinations with kosher food availability, and Chabad Houses is ever-increasing. With this huge expansion arise serious considerations for tradition-minded (frum) travelers who must also navigate the myriad of Halachic (Jewish Law) questions that arise, ie: the international dateline, cruises, hotels, eruv, shmitta, Thursday flights, salad bars, etc.

The following is an attempt at a comprehensive offering to guide the discerning traveler. It is not meant to eclipse the sage advice of your local Rabbinic authority.

The Jewish Laws of Traveling - Aish

Laws of Traveling - Parshat Vayigash - Chabad.org

Public Transportation and Air Travel on Shabbat - Daily Halacha

Date Line in Halacha - Rabbi Yisroel Taplin of Beth Medrash Govoha

General Laws of Traveling - Halachapedia

Travel Talk: Test Your Kosher Travel I.Q. - Jewish Action

Travel Time - Kashrut

Halachos for the Air Traveler (Part 1) - Kof K

Travel During Three weeks or Nine Days - Orthodox Union

Kosher Summer and Travel Videos – Halacha - Orthodox Union

Time Flies: A Guide to Time-Related Halachos When Flying - Star K

A Halachic Guide for the Delayed Friday Afternoon Traveler - Star K

Airplane Travel - Washing for a Meal - Torah.org

In the future we plan to add a supplemental list of Kosher Travel Venues.


The Chapel is open daily

Monday - Sunday: 5:00AM - 11:00PM

To Arrange Prayer Services

Please contact the Chaplain